Monthly Archives: January 2014

My son just came down to my office to show me what he just learned in homeschool…

My son just came down to my office to show me what he just learned in homeschool (with Dad). (5 x 8) + 1 = 41 He s in 2nd grade (though my husband consistently teaches him geometry and algebra). So, he s rockin it in math, but reading he is on the 2nd grade level. My friend s daughter, who is the exact age of my son, is rockin it in the reading. My question, why is this so typical? Boys = math and girls = english? Now, I know this isn t the rule, but it seems more often than not. I m wondering if it has to do with relationships? Girls rule in the relationship department…more relationships in english than math. What do you think?

I randomly jumped into one of those yard sale FB groups the other day and I post…

I randomly jumped into one of those yard sale FB groups the other day and I posted “Hey, just wondering if you are happy?” and that post got over 40 replies. We are conditioned to wear masks and hide what we are really feeling and when a stranger asked “are you happy”, some people got really vulnerable. People are hurting, we all have something to offer.

For those doing FB ads, FB has some great articles to help you. Don t forget to…

For those doing FB ads, FB has some great articles to help you. Don t forget to check them out before submitting your ads!How to get website traffic or conversionswww.facebook.comFacebook for Business gives you the latest news, tips and best practices for using Facebook to help meet your business goals: